"Hi Milan, I wanted to write you a note and thank you for all your assistance prior to and during SPR 2024. I appreciate that you and Thomas were patient in responding to all my questions and emails. It took me awhile to get up to speed after our staffing change. The staff in the speaker ready room were exceptional. I know of at least one instance that a speaker ran into the speaker ready room late as he was presenting within 30 minutes — he had not downloaded his slides. So Jakub downloaded the slides and there were issues. Jakub worked on the speaker slides and was able to solve most if not all of the issues. Andy (I know, not his real name) was very helpful in making sure our registration laptops were working with the printers. This was especially important on Wednesday when our registration opened. He was back and forth when we had issues. Thomas was instrumental in preparation for our Saturday business meeting, which is always a politically stressful event. Their customer services skills were appreciated. And five technicians for Congress Hall! I am not used to that type of coverage! My feedback has been great with very few technical issues in Congress Hall. And it was the meeting room used the most at our Annual Meeting. I was appreciative of that level of staffing dedicated to our main room. Please thank your staff for their important contributions to the success of SPR 2024. I am very appreciative."
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