"Dear Madam Director General, on behalf of the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, as the central coordinator of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU (CZ PRES), I would like to thank you and your entire team for all your cooperation during CZ PRES, which contributed greatly to its success, especially in terms of the organisation of the Presidency events that took place at the Prague Congress Centre. We believe that this experience will also help to spread the good name of your company and its prestige. Above all, thank you for your professional approach and flexibility that we received from you, as well as for your willingness and helpfulness to find solutions in difficult situations. Thanks to your cooperation, we can enjoy successful events that have contributed to the positive image of the Presidency not only in the Czech Republic but also among our foreign partners. This is evidenced by the many positive responses from delegates and individual embassies to the smooth and trouble-free running of events at the Prague Congress Centre. Special thanks to Mrs. Irena Votrubová and Mr. Milan Svoboda for their above-standard support and constant assistance in organizing informal Ministerial Councils. Your role was crucial in the successful delivery of the second CZ PRES, and I would like to thank you and your colleagues once again and wish you and your company good luck and much success in the years to come."
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